Prairie Creek Community School is grateful for the all the gifts of time, talent and treasure that help us meet our mission. Below, you can learn more about the "why" that underpins our development initiatives and ways you can financially support our work. 

Donate with Venmo

If you would like to donate by check, checks can be mailed or sent to school in Backpack Express.  

Checks can be written to:
Prairie Creek Community School
27695 Denmark Ave
Northfield, MN 55057

A Special Word about Fundraising at PCCS

We think public education should be free. Ideally, everything we need to create an educated citizenry, from supplies to the compensation of experienced teachers,  should be provided to each child free of charge. But it’s not.

Like all public schools, Prairie Creek receives state and federal funding based on the number of enrolled students. However, as a charter school Prairie Creek can't raise additional funds through local taxes or levies. Therefore, our community depends upon the generosity of a wide community of parents, grandparents and relatives, alumni, neighbors, local businesses and funders to support things like: 

  • Smaller class sizes
  • Critical staff, such as literacy interventionists and teaching assistants
  • Progressive curriculum and project materials
  • Art, Music and Spanish classes for every child every week
  • Our well-cared for grounds for playing and outdoor learning
  • An updated and accessible school library
  • An annual Arts Residency
  • Youth orchestra opportunities
  • Field trips

Ready to Give to Prairie Creek?

Donate Now: Make a one-time or annual tax-deductible donation via Venmo (@PrairieCreekMN) or PayPal.  Prairie Creek welcomes gifts in any amount that best suits your family's budget.

If you would like to donate by check, write your check to “Prairie Creek Community School.”  Checks can be mailed to: 27695 Denmark Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057 or sent to school in Backpack Express.

Donate Monthly: Become a monthly supporter via Venmo (@PrairieCreekMN) or PayPal. Click on the PayPal link to set up an automatic withdrawal from your bank account. 

Support Prairie Creek during Give to the Max: Prairie Creek’s largest fundraiser, Give to the Max Day, is held each fall. Donate during the month of November to help us reach our annual fundraising goal. To learn more, follow us on Instagram @prairiecreekmn.

Donor Advised Funds. You can send a distribution directly from a Donor Advised Fund to Prairie Creek.  Planned giving through estate planning is also an option. Please connect with our office for more information.

Make a Matching Gift through your Employer. Did you know that you can double the impact of your donation if your employer has a matching gift program?  To find out if your employer has a matching gift program, please contact your employer or contact our office. 

Buy and Give Prairie Creek Merchandise. We sell t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other merchandise with the Prairie Creek logo in kids and adult sizes during our annual online fall store and at different school events throughout the year. A portion of the merchandise sales comes back to the school.

Thrivent Choice. Thrivent Choice is a charitable grant program that allows eligible members to recommend where Thrivent Financial distributes part of its charitable outreach grant funds each year. Prairie Creek Community School is an approved Thrivent Choice grant recipient organization! If you or someone you know is a qualifying Thrivent member, please consider using some of those dollars to make a difference at our school. Learn more here!

Volunteer. Support our school with a donation of your time and talents.  Visit our volunteer page, contact your child’s classroom teacher or visit our Sign Up Genius link to get involved.