How Prairie Creek classrooms operate
In progressive schools one often finds mixed ages in a single classroom, with students staying in the same classroom for more than a year at a time. At Prairie Creek, this arrangement enables each of our children to be guided by slightly older peers and then, the next year, to become a classroom leader. A student at Prairie Creek stays in the same classroom for two years, usually with the same teacher. With two years together, the teacher and student develop a deep and trusting relationship, enabling the teacher to craft instruction to address that student’s individual needs.
Each Prairie Creek classroom has 20 students, usually with ten children in each of the two grades.
Students are placed in classes in a deliberate process that involves all of the teachers in the school. Classes are constructed carefully to ensure that each child has an ideal environment in which to learn.
Our K-1 classrooms are the Chickadees, the Doves, and the Nuthatches.
Our 2-3 classrooms are the Cranes, the Egrets, and the Meadowlarks.
Our 4-5 classrooms are the Herons, the Kestrels, and the Robins.
Prairie Creek also has classrooms dedicated to Art, Music, Spanish, Library, and Special Education.