
Prairie Creek Community School is committed to creating a learning environment that attends the physical, mental and emotional well being of all children.

Wellness Committee

Prairie Creek Community School has a Wellness Committee that meets three times each school year. Administrators, office staff, teachers and parents serve on this committee. For more information email styler@prairiecreek.org or contact the office.

You can find the Wellness Policy under Policies on the website.  Our policy was last assessed February 2023 by our school nurse.  Find assessment here.

School Health Services


First Aid:
In case of an accident, first aid will be administered in the health office and the parent/guardian will be called. If a student needs further treatment, the parent, ambulance, or rescue squad will transport the student to the doctor or hospital. In the event that a parent/guardian cannot be reached, the school will contact the physician listed on the Health & Emergency Information form to make whatever arrangements necessary to provide health service to the student or call the rescue squad.

To help assure good health care for students and alert health authorities to the presence of specific disease, parents are asked to call the school each morning the student is absent for any reason and report what the child's symptoms are.  Also please notify the school later if a specific disease develops.  

Since most diseases are spread before they are recognized, it is impossible to prevent exposure. Control measures are designed to protect individual students from complications. Parents are urged to keep their children home if they develop any symptoms suggestive of a communicable disease. The temperature should be normal at least 24 hours BEFORE a student returns to school. The temperature guideline is: at 100 degrees the student goes home automatically. The child should not return to school unless the temperature goes below 100 degrees for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.

Absence Due to Illness

Should my student stay home from school?

Parents frequently have questions about when it is appropriate to stay home from school because of illness. Here are some guidelines to help with your decision.

If your student has had a temperature of 100.0 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours
If your child has vomited within the past 24 hours or has had repeated diarrhea in the past 24 hours
If your student feels ill enough that he/she would not be able to benefit from school
If having your student at school would significantly put others at risk for catching your student’s illness

Please contact your school’s nurse if you have questions.

General Health Resources:

American Academy of Pediatrics 
American Dental Association
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Dakota County Health Services
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
Rice County Public Health

Early Childhood Screening

In accordance with Minnesota State Law all incoming Kindergarten students are required to have undergone and complete a pre-school screening.

Screening Resources:
Minnesota Department of Education Screening Video
Northfield Schools
Farmington Schools 
Lakeville Public Schools
Rosemount Public Schools
Cannon Falls Public Schools
Burnsville District 191

Immunization Requirements

State law requires that students in all grades must have documentation for required vaccines. Students entering kindergarten will need to update their immunizations and will be excluded from school if not in compliance. Medical and conscientious exemptions are allowed under the law.

Student Immunization Form. For more information, contact the School Nurse.

Below is a chart showing required immunizations for children in Minnesota:
Minnesota’s School Immunization Law / Ley de Vacunación Escolar de Minnesota

To watch a video from the CDC titled The Journey of Your Child's Vaccine click here

Common Childhood Illness

Cold Sores (Herpes Simplex)
Common Cold
Fifth Disease
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
Reye’s Syndrome
Ringworm Body (Tinea Corporis)
Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever, Scarlatina


Child Nutrition

Prairie Creek Community School provides a breakfast and hot lunch option through a contract with Amazing Dining and Catering Service catering service.

Information regarding the USDA can be found here.

Recess and Physical Education

Free play and active learning is a core value of Prairie Creek’s progressive education mission. All children participate in thirty minutes of recess each morning. Children are provided with additional outdoor breaks. Teachers provide a physical education curriculum aligned with Minnesota State standards.

Puberty Education

Puberty education is offered to fourth and fifth graders, typically over three sessions in February or March. Below is a list of topics that are addressed in the lessons.

  • Social Issues Romantic feelings, Communication, Wanting to fit in, Concerns related to appearance, Increased importance of friends, Conflict with families
  • Puberty and Body Changes Hormonal changes, Body structures, Menstruation, Ejaculation/nocturnal emissions, Mood changes, Cleanliness/hygiene, Voice changes, Hair growth
  • Personal Safety Sexual abuse/acquaintance abuse, Abduction prevention, Online safety (what do you say online, what do you post, etc)

Puberty Education Parent Resources

It's So Amazing - simple language, straightforward explanations

The Boy's Body Book - meant for boys to use as a resource as they have questions about growing up.  Straight forward. Focus on body changes, friends, and family more than sexuality.

The Care and Keeping of You (American Girl Series) - The girl equivalent of the above book.  It has a second volume for girls ten and up with more specific questions about relationships.

Changing You! A Guide to Body Changes and Sexuality - Straight forward information with a scientific rather than cutesy approach.  Looks at both boys and girls.

It's Perfectly Normal - clear language, more detailed explanations, explores more coming of age issues around relationships and sexuality

Asking About Sex - Question and answer format is very approachable for kids.  Not all kids will have all of these questions yet

For Parents: Talk to Me First - Long term approach to being a "trusted adult" for your child.

Videos inspired by Schoolhouse Rock:
